Love Gone Crazy

The sparks that fly between Rosa and Leonardo Alfonso are clearly untimely and unwelcomed.
Rosa is fighting to keep her newborn baby alive, while Leonardo Alfonso is wallowing in the bitterness of a relationship that brings him little happiness. But the attraction between them is undeniable. When Rosa’s baby dies in an accidental explosion, something changes within her, strangely making her kinder, more charming and more intelligent. Doctors concluded that these changes are not the result of an unusual inner strength in the face of tragedy, but rather an unequivocal indication of a mental disorder.
Ten years later, not having seen Leonardo since the explosion, Rosa meets Luis Enrique, a sly homosexual who hires her to play his girlfriend in order to fake his masculinity before his father and brothers. Rosa accepts willingly, unaware of the many surprises that await her. The first surprise being that Leonardo Alfonso is Luis Enrique’s older brother. She then discovers that her baby she has presumed to be dead the past ten years, was actually kidnapped during the explosion and is growing up as Luis and Leonardo’s little brother.
Meanwhile, despite the fact that her mental state is curable and the solution could very well be a bigger dose of affection rather than medication, Rosa’s greatest challenge is to prove how poorly psychiatric patients are treated amongst "normal" people. She takes it upon herself to prove that “normal” people are often more deranged than those committed to a mental hospital. While she recovers her sanity, she will make it very clear to everyone that even “crazy" people have the right to love.