
"Leyendas" is a portfolio of iconic and emblematic telenovelas.
The celebrated titles contained in the “Leyendas” package and the stars who made them famous are listed below:
“Las Amazonas” (1985) 105x60’: Eduardo Serrano, Hilda Carrero & Miriam Ochoa
“Alba Marina” (1988) 102x60’: Karina & Xavier Serbia
“La Revancha” (1989) 247x60’: Victor Cardenas & Rosalinda Serfaty
“Pasionaria” (1990) 254x60’: Fernando Carrillo, Catherine Fulop, Henry Galue & Yolanda Méndez
“Mundo de Fieras” (1991) 239x60’: Jean Carlo Simancas, Rosalinda Serfaty, Catherine Fulop & Chelo Rodríguez
“Ka Ina” (1995) 164x60’: Jean Carlo Simancas, Viviana Gibelli & Hilda Abrahamz
“El Pais de las Mujeres” (1998) 188x60’: Victor Cámara, Ana Karina Manco, Aroldo Betancourt, Miguel Angel Landa & Gustavo Rodriguez